SOLAIRE Playing Cards. The cosmic cardistry by Fibonacci
Penguin Magic have always been present as an international reference for their wide catalogue of decks but also for their commitment to their own playing cards production partnering with all kinds of artists. Kevin Reylek, a versatile artist linked to the world of magic and entertainment and especially connected to Penguin Magic, offers us his latest release: SOLAIRE.
Solaire is a set consisting of two decks inspired by the relationship between the universe and mathematics and specially designed for cardistry and magic. The two editions represent the Sun (Flare) and the Moon (Phase) with the same color combination (blue and orange) in an inverted scheme.
The borderless back and tuck case designs represent graphically the paradoxical relationship between the simplicity of the Fibonacci numbers and the complexity of the natural phenomena that can be described and related to this sequence. The backs are simple but symmetrical and balanced.
For the faces, the traditional scheme have been used although customized with the same blue and orange colors. Ace of spades and jokers have been completely customized.
The quality will satisfy magicians, cardists and card manipulation fans, since they will use the thin-crushed paper with Magic finish (the same one used in the Elite decks) specially designed for its handling. The cards will be printed by the USPCC.
Some extras will be unlocked as stretch goals such as numbered seals or a limited special edition (Corona) designed specifically for cardistry (without playable faces).
If you want to be part of this campaign, visit the project website and raise your pledge.
Good luck!