CENTURIO Playing Cards. Join this select centurion decks club

After the success of the PLANETS series in which a total of 17 decks were printed, David Goldklang (Vanda Cards) embarks on a new epic adventure: CENTURIO.

CENTURIO, dedicated to ancient Rome, is the first deck of a new series of ten dedicated to ancient civilizations designed by Russian artist Victor Kevruh. This establishes a new collaboration between David and a talented illustrator in the Artists Series in which other important creators have already participated.

Victor’s style is very interesting. Specialized in the design of logos, monograms and lettering, he has created for these cards scenes of great visual strength with delicate and monochromatic strokes that remind us of engraving techniques. The court cards thus show us characters of the political, social, religious and military life of Ancient Rome in symmetrical compositions with a simple color scheme based on black and red.



Two editions of the deck will be created for the campaign. Both will have the same cards inside and a different luxurious tuck case with embossing and foil manufactured by Gambler’s Warehouse and the cards will be printed by the USPCC. Both will also have a numbered seal. Nevertheless, while the standard edition will have a higher print run based on backers demand, the limited edition will have a print-run of only 100 decks numbered from 1 to 100.



The novelty of this campaign is in the way of getting the limited deck. To achieve this edition it is necessary to become a member of the new Vanda Centurion Club through the appropriate pledge level. This subscription entitle you to receive two of the limited decks (one numbered from 1 to 100 according the signup order and a another limited proof deck numbered with #0000) and two of the standard decks, in addition to an exclusive membership numbered coin and  a good amount of advantages and discounts on Vanda products. Club members will also receive, if they go on supporting future campaigns, the same member number in all limited decks of the following decks. Vanda has designed in this way an interesting and smart way to catch the interest of those collectors in search of more exclusive items as well as further loyalty from their already large group of followers.



The campaign promises to be a success so if you want to be part of that small army, visit the project website and raise your pledge.

Good luck!