DEEP playing cards. The deck that come back from the ocean depths
Six months after its first attempt, one of those decks, unfairly treated by the crowdfunding, strikes back: DEEP.
Inspired by the underwater mythology, Deep Playing Cards have been delightfully created by Galen Ihlenfeldt.
Everything is this deck has been customized, including the pips that have became sea shells, where suits represent different melfork sub-species: eels, cephalopods, crustaceans and traditional merfolk
In this new campaign the artist has made some “deep” changes in the design. He has made a completely different tuck case, changed the pips layouts, defined new indexes and completely eliminated white borders in back and faces. He has also created two different tuck case editions: the standard one and the limited one just for the campaign backers.
Another major change is that the deck will be printed by AdMagic a little-known company that seems to have good reviews regarding the stock quality.
This is a beautiful deck to enjoy, to play with and to collect. If you like it, go to the project website and raise your pledge.
Good luck!