BICYCLE INSIGNIA BACK decks. The most traditional playing cards with the most popular logo

Bicycle Playing Cards are well known all over the world. Created in the late nineteenth century this brand has been essential in the pocket of any poker player and, of course, any card magician. Its durability, handling and the best value for money has put a Bicycle deck on tables and close-up pads around the globe. The variations of tuck cases and backs are the pleasant desperation of the most serious collectors. Now, Brent Braun (The Magic Firm), creative consultant and magic creator, launches a new and ambitious project: BICYCLE INSIGNIA BACK.



As an expert in magic, Brent wanted to create something original without losing the essence of the most classic. Thus, Bicycle Insignia Back is a standard Bicycle deck with a clean and modern look. The traditional backs (rider, maiden, …) have been replaced by symmetrical backs that show the Bicycle logo, similar to those casino traditional decks, on a solid color background. This change that can be considered subtle actually gives the decks a completely different, more sober and distinguished aspect.



In addition, each deck includes two special gaff cards, one with the front of the case in the face and a duplicated two of hearts with a different back color. These cards will help backers to surprise their family and friends with magic effects thanks also to a video tutorial that will be sent after the campaign.



Another notable change is the paper, the well-known crushed stock with air-cushion finish. This combination will give the deck a fantastic feel and performance.

Offering the black deck at the beginning, other colors have been designed that will be unlocked as stretch goals: white, red, blue and green. In addition, with funds enough, a limited edition of the white deck with a embossed tuck case (with no prniting will be created for collectors. This limited deck can also be numbered and gilded.



Obviously, the decks will be Bicycle branded and printed by the USPCC using the traditional tuck case. The campaign prices are very reasonable especially in multiple decks tiers (from $3,2 per deck). There is also free shipping worldwide in specific levels.



If you like it, visit the project website and raise your pledge.

Good luck!