Leonardo Decks. Pure Renaissance in Playing Cards
Dent-de-Lion du Midi is a renaissance man: artist, inventor, musician, painter, writer, … Following in his daughter’s footsteps, Soleil , creator of the Glitch deck, he has recently released a very interesting work on playing cards: Leonardo decks.
The artist and creator of this deck is a fan of Leonardo Da Vinci, the polimath wise man from the Italian Renaissance famous for his works in every type of artistic expression. Inspired by the character and his work, the deck includes iconographic elements that any lover of the Reinassance art and culture master will feel quite familiar.
There will be two different editions of the deck, Gold and Silver. Both will have a different color scheme and the tuck case will include all possible extras (foil, embossing, …). The company in charge of the printing will be determined according the funding reached (initially it will be LPCC or EPCC and if it reaches enough funding the USPCC will print them).
Enjoy the images and if you like them, visit the project website and raise your pledge.
Good luck!