AMAZONS SPARTANS Playing Cards. The fiercest warrior behind the most captivating beauty
Every time Sviatoslav Pashchuk (Agitcom) writes me about a new project, I feel a kind of special emotion because I have enjoyed each and every one of his designs. His talent as a hyperrealist illustrator has been led to amazing cards such as Golden Age or Military Pinups. Now, he launches the first deck of a series: AMAZONS SPARTANS.
This series will be dedicated to the Amazons, conceived by mythology as fearsome fighters capable of even cutting or burning their right breast so that arrow-throwing wouldn’t be impeded. Sviatoslav’s interpretation of these women is undoubtedly much less prosaic, combining the fierceness of the warriors with an almost voluptuous beauty.
This first edition is dedicated to the Spartan Amazons, for which the artist has researched in history to recreate clothing and weapons as accurately as possible, with a profuse decoration and a maximum detail level. Thus, the court cards, show 12 beautiful women of deep and captivating gaze with the hand ready to use their weapon. The designs have taken almost a year and the following campaigns will be dedicated to the Samurai and Viking Amazons.
The tuck case is a very fine design, with an elegant and elaborate set of decorative elements and symbols that stand out for their colors and reliefs, used also in the back.
For the first time, and although his previous creations with NPCC have been really fabulous, the artist has decided to print with the USPCC in order to add to the spectacular designs, quality and finish of a classic (in a minimum print run of 1000 decks). The Ephebes edition will include from the beginning all the extras such as the embossing or the three-color foil of the tuck case. Another edition, Ephobos, has been defined as stretch goal and will have a different tuck, back and court cards designs.
So, help to make it real! If you like the designs, visit the project website and raise your pledge.
Good luck!