TUXEDO Playing Cards. I’ve never seen such elegant animals
The art of Natalia Silva is exactly like herself, natural, elegant and fun. After her previous decks, Russian Folk Art and “Love is …”, Natalia brings us her latest creation: TUXEDO.
This new deck is inspired by a really elegant animal world in which all characters use black-tier wearing for the occasion. Following the natural vector style that characterizes the artist, each card has been decorated in a very fun way presenting elements that include flowers, bow ties and other “must-have” accessories for a night out.
Numbered cards have also been customized with a transformation card style and, despite the simple color scheme in red and black, they are quite striking.
Everything inside a tuck-case with a distinguished tuxedo design.
The deck will be printed by Make Playing Cards if funded with the basic goal. However, in funding raises enough. it will be printed by the USPCC.
If you want to contribute to make this deck real, visit the project website and raise your pledge.
Good luck!