CROWN JEWELS SAPPHIRE Playing cards . The most precious blue beauty

Precious stones have traditionally been associated with magical properties and are also part of many tales and legends. SVI Group produces decks full of historical inspiration and adventure and this time they offer us the first of a series of decks called Crown Jewels inspired by the gems: SAPPHIRE ROYAL BLUE.

The campaign offers two different decks that share illustrations on faces with different color schemes and backs. The court cards have been completely customized based on the traditional scheme but showing Eastern and Western royalty characters representing, thus, the battles between the ancient kingdoms.



Since these first decks take their inspiration from the sapphire, the tuck cases have been made with embossing and bright silver and blue foil.



The CLASSIC edition will use a basic color composition, in blue and black, with monochromatic jokers and a geometric back.



The ART edition uses a much more colorful scheme and a more elaborate back.



The white backgrounds on the faces keep the playability of the deck and make it perfect for magic routines.

In addition, a cardistry-oriented deck has also been created as stretch goal. It has a simpler and more geometric design and, if unlocked, it will be sent as a gift to all backers.



The decks will be printed by Smart Playing Cards Company (SPCC) in a limited print-run of 1000 units each.

Like in their previous campaigns, really beautiful collector boxes are offered. Appart of a luxurious box in thick cardboard with foils and magnet closure that will contain the two decks and a commemorative coin, an impressive blue handmade glass box will be also offered.



If you like, visit the project website and raise your pledge.

Good luck!