Animagique Playing Cards. Fantastic Beasts you wouldn’t like to face


Going on with an established style of outstanding illustrations and a great service and quality,  Noir Arts launches a new campaign: ANIMAGIQUE.

With a fantastic inspiration of “humanized” animals, the illustrations of this new deck, made by Denis Sirotinin, are a show of talent at the service of good taste and detail.

Coats of arms, magnificent animals represented as kings and knights, colorful designs and an interesting mix of elements taken from traditional designs of worldwide playing cards. Everything is integrated into a magnificent deck that will delight collectors and card fans.

With a very limited print run of only 700 units, Animagique comes in two different editions: Noir and Blanc, with the same designs and backgrounds in black and white respectively.

In addition, NPCC will print this deck along with the two previous ones (Asylum and Branle) so both are also available as add-ons in this campaign.

If you like these designs and if you missed any of the previous decks, please visit the project website and raise your pledge.

Good luck!