Revenant and Vivant Bicycle decks. The 5 Black Box Card Games


Some months ago, I wrote about the black zombie deck. Unfortunatelly, that deck didn’t get funds enough to get printed but since that moment, Brian Lee, from WarPunk Games, has been working to release something more special based on the original project. The result is the Revenant and Vivant Bicycle decks.

The decks are not alone. Warpunk Games have designed a whole set with many accessories to give fun for ages till the zombie apocalypse arrives. Black Box Playing Card Games – Volume 1 is a collection of 5 new playing card games and variants, to play with traditional playing cards.

But the Revenant and Vivant decks are not traditional decks. They have a poker classic design and French style where the court cards have felt to the hands of the undead.

The decks, will be printed (if funded) by USPCC. Main features are:

  • Based on an old style French card set for a classic feel
  • Eerie playing card backs
  • 12 Dark and Gothic face cards
  • 40 custom number cards
  • 2 Unique Joker cards
  • 1 Poker Ranking Card for use as a reference for those who aren’t as familiar with the hands of poker
  • A Collectors Edition Card that will be unique to the first printing of this deck. The standard edition will have 2 Poker Ranking Cards.
  • Linen finish for that nice textured look and feel
  • Collectors Edition tuck box


Enjoy the gallery that include photos of a real prototype of the deck, and pledge for the deck or for the full box in the the project website.

Good luck!