VICTORIAN STEAMPUNK Playing Cards. Classic elegance and modern 3D technology

In 2020 I had the opportunity to lead the production of the Victorian playing cards, two beautiful decks created by Maciej Frolow. Three years later, this fabulous design style returns in VICTORIAN STEAMPUNK.

Maciej’s mastery and talent have once again been put at the service of the most delicate 3D modeling to combine the elegant classicism of the Victorian era with the industrial and mechanical style of the strampunk movement.

The deck has been completely customized with illustrations in which the metallic finishes and the shine of the precious stones stand out. Once again, the artist wants to go a step beyond traditional playing cards, offering us refinement and details with an elegant and delicate Victorian inspiration. In addition, on this occasion he incorporates into the designs structures typical of fantasy steam machinery made up of pipes, stop cocks, light bulbs and pressure gauges.


The court cards echo the inspiration of their predecessors, in which kings, queens, and jacks have been replaced by luxurious sceptres, delicate roses, and ornate firearms.



the numbered cards are perfectly recognizable despite an almost monochrome scheme.



The back features a symmetrical composition with a complex structure filled with pipes and light bulbs that connect in an elaborate pattern full of details.



Two editions of the deck, Gold and Silver, are offered in an impressive tuck case, with a beautiful decoration that combines the designs on the back and two crossed guns in a striking embossed finish printed on metallic foiled paper.



In addition to the tuck case, the oversized elaborate aces and jokers will be different in both decks.



The campaign also offers a very exclusive item, a double case in a luxurious box with magnetic closure and gold foil that contains one of each deck editions and a big (50mm) commemorative gold coin.



This new Max Playing Cards’ production, the limited print-run of Victorian, with a minimum of 500 decks, will be made by Noir Arts (NPCC) on 310gsm paper and linen finish with their usual high-quality print which will undoubtedly be especially notable in the tuck box and its details.

If you like it, visit the project website and raise your pledge.

Good luck!