THE EXPLORATION Playing Cards. Secret boxes, traditional Japanese craftwork and augmented reality

Jason Cheng (Deckidea) is a talented entrepreneur passionate about playing card design who has created an interesting number and variety of decks in which minimalism and innovation are combined in a very original way. After several successful campaigns he has released his latest deck: THE EXPLORATION.

This deck takes its inspiration from the kumiko and yosegi-zaiku marquetry techniques, a Japanese tradition that combines geometric patterns to create delicate works of art that sometimes hide secrets.

And the biggest secret these cards keep is augmented reality, a technology that allows design to be elevated to a new dimension in which manipulation is even more spectacular.



The tuck case represents one of those traditional geometric patterns from yosegi secret boxes, with a luxurious gold foil and a numbered seal.



The back depicts the same pattern, perfect for cards designed for flourishing and cardistry, offering beautiful fans and impressive compositions along with the extra effects from augmented reality.



The full customization is present in the aces and the numbered cards, with a simple but very striking style and four indexes to make identification easier in a card game.



The court cards feature minimalist illustrations, built with vector lines and flat colors, reinterpreting traditional designs.



In addition to a print run of 2,700 decks of the standard edition, 200 units of a blue gilded edition will be made and each one will be included in a beautiful collector’s box together with 5 standard decks.



Printing will be done by Hanson Chien Production Co on their well-known vintage stock.

The project has been a success and still has a long way to go at reasonable prices and fulfilled by Murphy’s Magic.

If you want to be part of this original production, visit the project website and raise your pledge.

Good luck!