INFERNO Playing Cards. A “divine” deck with the beauty of a poem

A political activist and defender of Italian unity, Dante Alighieri, known as “il Sommo Poeta” (“the supreme poet”) has gone down in history as the author of the masterpiece of universal literature: The Divine Comedy. This key work in the transition from the Medieval thought to the Renaissance, has inspired artists such as Boticelli, Doré and Dalí in their drawings and illustrations. Contemporary artists have also been inspired by this beautiful epic verse. One of them, Stefano Protino, has done a set of illustrations full of strength and details in the last creation of Passione Playing Cards: INFERNO.



Inferno gives continuity to Avernum, previously created by Passione in a limited print run of 250 units. While Avernum shows intentionally unfinished designs of Protino’s work, in this deck the designs have been completed with reliefs, shadows, details and more complex decorations.

Comparison between Avernum (left) and Inferno (right)

The court cards represent the characters of the poem Dante and Virgil meet along their journey through the disturbing afterlife scenarios until their encounter with Lucifer. Monochromatic illustrations are full of moving energy, and the names of the characters illustrate each card. The passion or the intelligence they used to sin set them in the red or the black cards respectively.



Two different editions are offered in the campaign: DITE and COCITO.

Dite is a city guarded by devils depicted in one of the circles (the sixth) in which Dante divides the Hell. Since those who finish there are punished with eternal fire, Inferno Dite has a red back and a tuck case with gold foil. The jokers in this deck represent a diptych with Dante and Virgil at the gates of Inferno.



Cocito is the ice lake formed by the movement of Lucifer’s wings and depicted in the ninth and last circle. For this edition, a back in cold colors and a tuck case with silver foil have been designed. The jokers diptych represents a tricephalic Lucifer, as described by Dante.



The decks will be printed by Legends Playing Card Company.

In addition to the decks, a special book-shaped case will be made in Italy for this occasion, signed by the artist, which will store both decks, as well as a booklet with verses from the artwork and illustrations by the artist of the deck.



An exciting and well-crafted campaign that you can not miss. Visit the the project website and raise your pledge.

Good luck!