Explore deck. Around the World in Fifty-Two Cards


Harris Soetikno is a card enthusiast and wanted to release his own deck of cards: Explore Playing Cards.

He got the inspiration of the project looking for places to visit during his holidays. There were so many choices and so little time to decide where to go that he thought a product that can actually help with this process would be rather handy.

The idea for Explore is to feature 52 different cities and destinations around the world. The designs made by Daniel Haire are quite different from other designs seen before. They are colorful and minimalist.

The cards are grouped in four categories, one per suit: modern architecture (spades), romantic (hearts), historical and cultural (clubs)  and popular cities (diamonds).

The overall design is modern and beautiful and the deck will be printed, if funded, by the USPCC in a limited edition based on backers’ pledges.

Two backers will also have the opportunity (if they have the necessary money) of depict their own city in the jokers.

Enjoy the image gallery and go to the project website to get more info and raise your pledge.

Good luck!