All Jokers Playing Cards. The transformation of the transformation deck


Just a few days ago I talked to you about a cool deck: Bicycle 4 Jokers. I lay awake many secrets of the deck you can read in the original article.

Due to the high funding goal and delivery time mainly due to the USPCC production restrictions, Man Made Games has decided to cancel the original project and create a new one: All Jokers Transformation deck.

The deck design is basically the same, but the printer will be MPC, a China based printer they have already used in the past and have been very happy with the quality and finish on the deck.  They have chosen the upgraded finish (320gsm linen) which allows for smoother motion.  This printer allows them order 1 or 100,000 decks, so they will be able to order a lower quantity and to ship sooner.




The new deck includes new features such as optional marked backs and four different back designs to choose among. So, there are 4 back choices with two options (marked and unmarked) for a total of 8 backs

Strech goals include the Bicycle deck option if funding is reached.

Alex Willis has told me that it was a tough decision for them to choose a China based printer as they want to keep as much business in the USA as possible, but it’s a choice of printing versus non printing for this deck.

You can go to the original post to read about the deck and to the new project website to raise your pledge.

Good luck!