HARMONY BACK Playing Cards. Vintage lyres that hide magical secrets
Arcadia Playing Cards has always made elegant decks, with clean and careful designs, with varied inspirations in which imagination and magic have always played an important role. Now they present their latest creation: HARMONY BACK.
HARMONY BACK is a very special proposal that offers high quality decks, with designs inspired by old playing cards but with a contemporary execution, created with magic in mind and at a very reasonable price.
Thus, the Harmony back decks show many original elements. The face designs, inspired by Bancks Brothers decks of the late 18th century, have been completely redrawn and adapted to the traditional scheme, with symmetrical figures and indexes.
The vintage style back depicts a symmetrical composition with ornaments around a large lyre, symbol of the Greek roots of the company’s name, which has also become the new element of its corporate image. In addition, this back hides many secrets through a subtle marking system, camouflaged among the abundant decorations, ideal for card magic routines.
The tuck case has a beautiful horizontal design that makes it that much more special. Like the backs, they will be made in soft green and red colors with a retro style.
In addition to the marked decks, the perfect complement for magicians has been created, a gaff deck, full of revelations and crazy effects that will turn each of your cards into a unique magic trick.
The decks will be printed by USPCC with their thinnest crushed stock for better handling.
A very reasonable price for high quality, marked, vintage–inspired playing cards with a complementary gaff deck to take its possibilities to infinity. If you like the idea, you can be part of the campaign in the project website raising your pledge.
Good luck!