BEETLE ROYALE Playing Cards. Who said bugs are ugly?
Adam Eivy is a nocturnal artist… He has a day job and dedicates the night to his creative passion. He is not only an artist but also a beloved husband and father. And it is his nice daughter, Ilya, who inspired Adam to create this new deck: BEETLE ROYALE Playing Cards.
Ilya loves nature and bugs, especially beetles, that’s why Adam decided to begin drawing beetles two years ago, thinking those bugs could make a unique deck of cards… And that’s how it went!
Every card has been hand-painted using an iPad and a lot of talent to make them unique. Even the numbered cards, that remind sometimes the transformation cards, are quite different from the usual ones making this deck something special and cool.
- Light Edition
- Dark Edition
There will be two editions of the deck: Light and Dark, with the same designs on a different background. Both decks will have the same card back that will have a funny animation in the corners. The tuck cases will have metal foil and inner printing, so you don’t need to wait them as a stretch goal. Both editions will be printed by Legends Playing Cards Company.
If you like the deck and the amazing add-ons such as stickers, post cards or coloring books, do not hesitate to visit the project website and raise your pledge.
Good luck!