Revelation Deck. Inspired by the architecture of medieval cathedral
Nidaros cathedral in Norway is a feat of workmanship and dizzying spiritual architecture that once housed royalty. Built over a span of two centuries between 1070 and 1300 by thousands of unnamed hands, Nidaros still whispers with the stories of those bygone artists. It still stands today.
This magnificent building has been the inspiration of the last deck in Deckstarter: Revelation.
The entire deck is a tribute to Medieval builders, specially in the ink pen illustration with just three basic colors: red, black and white.
All the cards are customized . Jokers, ace of spades and back are inspired by the stained glasses and the court cards depict skeleton characters that remind the royal neighbors in Nidaros’ catacombs.
If the project gets funds enough, the deck will be printed by EPCC.
Still some days left so help this deck to become reality and spread the voice about this masterpiece of the card architecture. Visit the project website and make your pledge.
Good luck!