Playing cards MISPRINTED… but intentionally

I have recently received two interesting decks. They are not new but both have something in common, they are misprinted, although, in this case the printing defects are made intentionally. They are the Oops deck and the Irregular deck.



Designed by Michael Daniels, it is a deck where the cards are split in two separated inverted halves.

A deck designed for magicians where the limit is in their imagination.



Irregular deck, a Bicycle deck in fluorescent green with a slightly tilted design. A “rarity” for any playing cards collector.

The backs are printed correctly, so it is also a cool deck for magicians.

The Irregular deck was design by Hiroshi Fujiwara, creator of the popular Bicycle Multicolor (Fragment-X). Multicolor deck is one of my favorite so enjoy one image of the cards:

Just in case someone is interested, I have (only) a couple of each available.