THE LORD OF THE RINGS Vol. 1 Playing Cards. An epic story for an epic project

If at this point you still do not know the latest and most successful crowdfunding campaign, there is still time: THE LORD OF THE RINGS vol.1.

With more than half a million dollars raised, this campaign by Jackson Robinson (Kings Wild Project) is already part of the TOP 5 in the history of the most popular projects, leaving the Federal 52 campaign far behind, which catapulted its creator to stardom by turning an unknown illustrator into one of the most renowned and award-winning artists on the playing card scene.

The campaign has everything necessary to be a success: beautiful Illustrations, careful and luxurious editions, one of the most popular licenses in the public of all ages and a great work team that includes my friends from Kardify for social media and promotion tasks.

The court cards feature characters from Tolkien’s novels grouped by the four seasons.



Aces contain essential references for fans.




All cards have been customized with profuse decorations and natural motifs.



As expected, Jackson has done something in this project that he has been doing for a long time: design multiple variations of the deck with different tuck cases. This double-edged sword allows anyone, whatever their budget, to access this deck and, at the same time, it is a real nightmare for those serious collectors who want to have all the variations, something only accessible to people with a pocket bigger than Frodo’s feet. All the editions have the same cards inside and only the tuck cases or the finish change from one to another.

You can get a total of 5 editions: Standard, Gilded (with gold edges), Legacy (in a wooden case with an embedded silver coin), KS edition (exclusive during the campaign), and KS gilded edition (with gold edges). If you want the cheapest one, it will cost you $12 (plus shipping and customs and extra costs if you live in the European Union/UK because the project is not EU/UK friendly). If you want them all, you’ll need about $300 (plus all extra charges).



There are only 4 days left so you still have time to get this deck that will be the first of a successful series. If you want to be part of the fellowship of the ring, visit the project website and raise your pledge.

Good luck!