1883 MURPHY TRANSFORMATION RED Playing Cards. The historic piece of art now with red back
While many artists create every day designs for new decks, other playing cards lovers work to recover designs of cards that, unfortunately, have been lost in the corners of history. Michael Scott (Home Run Games) is one of those wonderful nostalgic men and in early 2014 decided to create a new series of restored decks. He began with the Triplicate deck by A. Dougherty (1876), which was followed by the Mauger quadruplicate (1876), Varnish Murphy (1883) and Saladee (1864). Now Michael has just launched his project with the 1883 MURPHY VARNISH RED BACK.
This deck was originally printed with green and red backs and this is the complement of the previous campaign where the green backed deck was created. Murphy Varnish is an iconic deck for any American playing cards collector. Created for advertising varnishes Murphy company, beauty and color in this transformation deck with humorous touches speak for themselves.
The restored reprint edition with green backs was a great success so Scott decided to give collectors the chance to own the whole set. But as happened in the previous campaigns, different editions give these reprints a collecting value that can even exceed, over time, to their original. As happened before, the deck is offered in three different tuck case versions. The Standard Edition that recreates the original in a modern tuck box. The Limited edition, with a print-run of 1000 decks, with a much more colorful design, a vintage long tongue case, a custom paper wrap and a numbered seal. The Original Edition, much closer to the 1883 edition with a print-run of 500 decks, comes in a two-piece box with two numbered seals in the case and in the deck.
All the decks will be printed by the USPCC using high-quality Bee stock. If you want to make history, visit the project website and raise your pledge.
Good luck!