Bicycle Lumberjacks 2nd Edition. Chopping trees in color


Almost 2 years ago, Vadim Smolenskiy created and printed The Lumberjacks Bicycle deck, inspired by the sharp job. Now, he is preparing an imminent launch of the second edition, completely different and full of color: LUMBERJACKS 2nd EDITION.

For these cards, Vadim has made deep changes to the original one not only in the color used but also in the design style, creating something bold and attractive.

Main features of this new deck are:

  • 56 custom playing cards and backs
  • custom tuck box
  • custom numbered seal
  • diptych jokers
  • matte “radiant white smooth cover stock” for tuck box
  • air-cushioned finished cards

The deck will be Bicycle branded printed by USPCC and it will be launched soon through Kickstarter.

For the moment, you can subscribe to be notified about the launch inserting your email in this website. You will be emailed as soon as the project is online.

Enjoy the images and keep connected for more news soon.