AVES Playing cards. The deck that will sold out flying
LUX Playing Cards surprised us some months ago with an amazing deck called Illusionist, inspired by the Magic world. Now, they completely change their style and launch a new and beautiful deck of cards: AVES.
AVES (Birds) is a deck illustrated by Karina Eibatova, a well-known artist born in Leningrado and based in Vienna that is deeply interested on Nature. Karina has been able to capture the beauty of some birds in several hand-drawn illustrations used for the court cards in this deck.
The rest of the deck is also customized: pips, aces, jokers and a colorful back that shows a composition of several feathers from many birds.
The USPCC will print two different tuck cases for this deck, one Bicycle branded and one unbranded. You can choose the one you prefer or simply take both. Visit the project website and raise your pledge.
Good luck!