Foto Grafis strikes again. The definitive campaign
I have talked more than once about the Foto Grafis deck, made by the award winning photographer and graphic designer Paul Michael Kane.
Last time Paul couldn’t fund the deck but he has been working along last months to launch the definitive campaign of the Foto Grafis Deck.
The deck is formed by a set of 52 beautiful images that, following the spirit of the artist, “transform the ordinary or mundane into the extraordinary and spectacular”.
54 Poker Sized cards printed on premium linen stock with a new system of card recognition that will allow much more room on the card face for the images, yet still make the deck a fully playable and clearly recognizable.
The deck will be printed by a company based in New Jersey and Paul has told me they have provide him with fantastic samples and a good customer service so he feels very confident about the final result.
Enjoy the high resolution images of the whole set of cards in the gallery.
Go to the project website, get more info and raise your pledge. This time the deck will be printed for sure… and each deck will come with extra fantastic freebies (prints, chips, stickers, …).
Good luck!