Urban Punk Bicycle Deck. The most Rebel deck in the world
I usually talk about one deck or even sets of two or more, but in this case I am going to talk about something different.
This recent project at KickStarter offers one strategy game deck (Rule Rebel Game) plus one custom poker deck (Bicycle Urban Punk).
Although specially interested on the Bicycle deck, I decided to contact the creators, Sara and Scott, from the Rule Rebel Team to know more about this “dynamic duo”.
They have told me that in developing the Urban Punk deck, they wanted to create something unique that fused with their overall Kickstarter project inclusive of the Rule Rebel game. Thus the artistic vision of the Urban Punk deck was born in a concrete setting with undertones of the rebellious nature of graffiti street art and punk subcultures because they felt they mimic the same themes their game does abstractly. The Rule Rebel game is about taking the “washed out” or “faded” rules and applying vibrancy and energy with a hint of rebellion. The Urban Punk deck is their physical expression of those same themes where the cards and traditional designs are the canvas in the urban landscape. They viewed both the physical cards and designs as a “washed out” concrete wall where the bits of stencil-style graffiti imagery is the energizing and vibrant pop. This imagery also alters the traditional court designs into the punk subcultures. They really had fun in the creation of the Urban Punk deck! They wanted to create something never seen done before and that others may enjoy.
Urban Punk deck will be printed by USPCC on Bicycle stock and Magic finish.
Rule Rebel Game will be formed by multi-purpose cards to play multiple well-known card games.
Have a look to Bicycle Urban Punk box and cards:
After this statement, the only thing you need is to visit the project website and pledge for these fantastic pieces of art. You can pledge for both or just one of the decks so everybody is welcome here…
Good luck to the creators!