CIRCUIT Playing Cards. Inspired by modern technology with a retro touch

After four years of tireless work, Ben Jones (Elephant Playing Cards) has already established himself as a solvent creator who has explored a multitude of creative and technical scenarios. His new campaigns are much more solid, with a varied offer of decks and different aesthetics to meet the needs of a large group of fans who follow him on a regular basis. His latest creation is CIRCUIT.

CIRCUIT is inspired by electronic technology, the basis of our modern civilization. The common and omnipresent element of all editions is a printed circuit, which decorates the tuck cases, both inside and outside, the backs and also the background in the faces.



Ben wanted to create some functional decks with a modern touch that, paradoxically, also have a retro look. Although the color schemes are quite simple, almost monochromatic, the offer is so varied that everyone will find their favorite color. Thus, four different editions have been created: Rainbow White, with black and white designs and a rainbow foil in tuck case, Ice Blue, in aquamarine colors on a blue background, Neon Green, with gray backgrounds on the faces and a green metallic finish on black both in back and tuck case and the PCB edition, with double foil in silver and gold on green and metallic inks on the cards in which two shades of green, white and yellow are combined to replace the traditional red and black.



All decks will be printed by WJPC, which has been working satisfactorily with Ben for some time.

The campaign is already funded so, if you like them, visit the project website and raise your pledge.

Good luck!