No. 17 Playing Cards. Designed in Sweden, Made in the USA


After a terrible heartbreaking story and a heresy against the tradition in playing cards, the talented artist Lorenzo Gaggiotti launches his latest creation: No 17.

Actually, this is not the first time we see this deck. Lorenzo designed a first version as a promotional deck for CardLauncher, a new crowdfunding platform exclusive for playing cards, which had a difficult start and I sincerely hope someday returns to find the place it deserves. This new version has important design changes from the original, as you can see in the image below.



This deck does not have a specific inspiration, but it is the result of many hours of work from the imagination and creativity of the artist and also from his vision of cultures, places and artistic expressions.



Although it is his third deck, this is the first one made under the Stockolm17 seal, created late last year to integrate all the decks designed by Lorenzo. He is based in Stockholm  and number 17 is special for him: prime number, his birthday, sounds good to him… reasons enough to be part of the name of this seal. Furthermore, it is his first Bicycle branded deck.

Printed by the USPCC, two different decks have been designed, Bicycle branded and unbranded, although only the first one is currently available. The second will be unlocked as a stretch goal and will have a different back color.



Lorenzo also promises surprises during the campaign, something that I’m sure he will meet as his previous campaign was full of them.

You can’t miss this new creation so visit the project website  and raise your pledge.

Good luck!