Zombie Black deck funded. White deck campaign. Have you seen this Grave Digger?
Do you remember the Zombie Black deck I have spoke about several times? Perhaps you remember my last article where I said the Zombie Black deck was already funded, but unfortunately Warpunk Games didn’t get enough to make the white deck. So they launched another shorter and cheaper campaign to fund the Zombie White deck, and they did!
Furthermore, the four extra cards with special “powers” have been already designed for the “Grave Digger game”.
I am really proud to be depicted in one of them: Max “La Pala”. This is my very first appearance in a playing card and I have to admit this is a very special feeling. I am really excited and grateful to Brian for this.
If the Zombie White deck campaign reaches to $5,000 the tuck case will be foil stamped so… go to the campaign website and raise your pledge.
Good luck!