Bicycle Iron Kings deck. Tough warriors hidden behind a helmet
After the Emotions deck, Johnny Whaam strikes back with a new and vibrant deck: Bicycle Iron Kings.
The deck is inspired by medieval tales thru centuries, from the times when battles were fought with swords, axes, halberds, crossbows…and armour suit, helmet and shield were necessary equipment for warriors.
It will be printed by USPCC, Bicycle branded playing cards. 56 cards in a deck and air cushion finish.
All Tuck-box front, Back, Aces, Court cards… are hand drawn and hand painted.
All court cards, Kings, Queens and Jacks in armour have custom designs, each different with beautiful colors carefully chosen for each card. In this design all of them are hidden behind their helmet. Kings are wearing crowns, massive and dominant figures, wealthy and they show it. Queens are slimmer, tough and beautiful girls. And Jacks, they’re the brave, expendable warriors.
But warriors need weapons and shields so…Aces will provide those.
Get more info and raise your pledge in the project website.
Good luck!