BICYCLE GORILLA Playing Cards. Finally, the primates in tricycle reach the finish line

Do you remember that funny deck with colorful primates and designed by David Edgerly (Edgy Brothers). The deck tried to be funded twice but unfortunately it didn’t happen. If you liked it and, like me, regretted that it wasn’t printed, you’re in luck because our friends from Albino Dragon decided to resurrect the project: GORILLA BICYCLE Playing Cards.




The deck pays tribute to all the big simian in the world. With a cool design of the “gorilla tricycle rider back”,  no other but USPCC will print it under their Bicycle brand.  It is a funny and clear design that mixes the beauty and the playability.


GorillaBicycleAlbino_backGorillaBicycleAlbino_cards03 GorillaBicycleAlbino_cards02 GorillaBicycleAlbino_cards01



Enjoy these fantastic designs and high quality cards and visit the project website to get yours.

Good luck!