
The minimalist and innovative Vända deck.

A new playing cards project launched at KickStarter: The Vända…

Russell Kercheval and Circle City cards: the interview and his new deck Quicksilver

It was born on 2011 and has become one of the most popular playing…

Ornate decks by Randy Butterfield: the interview

If I would be asked about the best five decks of 2012, I would…

Carpathia deck, inspired by Titanic story

Carpathia participated on the rescue of the Titanic, saving…

Dark Deco and Timeless, the new decks by RSVP

Just received two new decks with a design style that I love…

Received the Mystery deck by Bedeceived. Revealed mystery!

Just a kick post to tell I have received the nice new Mystery…

Genesis deck will be Bicycle and offers many new rewards for backers

Bicycle decks fans (like me) and those interested on playing…

Pr1me playing cards. Best cards in the world?

At least, that's what they say in their official webpage header.…

Galaxy deck. Aliens strike back at Kickstarter

Some days ago, the former Galaxy deck project was canceled…