BICYCLE DISTILLED COPPER Playing Cards. Start up the still!
The Well Suited Playing Card Company is a young company whose goal is to produce high quality decks of collectable playing cards. They just launched their first deck: BICYCLE DISTILLED COPPER.
This deck is actually the first in a series of three dedicated to distilled beverages. Inspired by the ancient art of producing distilled liquor, the decks will have a common design in the tuck cases.
This first deck stands out for its tuck case made of shiny metallic copper paper. The additional use of holographic foil and a double emboss/deboss and inner printing will make it an impressive looking deck.
The court cards have been completely customized with fun royalty characters holding glasses with spirits in symmetrical illustrations by Mike Re.
The deck will be printed by the USPCC and Bicycle branded, so the handling and quality are guaranteed.
If you like it, visit the project website and raise your pledge.
Good luck!