GREEK POTTERY Playing Cards. The end of the craziest series about ancient civilizations

Original and fun designs inspired by ancient civilizations: this is the style of all the decks created so far by Emmanuel Valtierra, a designer full of creativity that is able to mix in his work culture and craziness in equal parts. Emmanuel has just released the campaign for the fourth and last deck in this series: GREEK POTTERY.


GreekPottery_cardsspread GreekPottery_backsspread


Inspired by traditional Greek pottery, designs present mythological heroes and gods from the mind of the craftsman. A craft of incredible beauty and rich history that went through varied and creative stages and especially developed in Athens and Corinth between VI and V centuries B.C.

Warriors, goddesses and gods take their places on the court cards while the numbered cards have their own suits including classic geometric patterns. The aces remind the decorated containers both for domestic and funeral purposes.





Unlike the previous decks that were much more colorful, Greek Pottery uses the color combinations that, by limitations of firing techniques, could be used in decorating pottery: red, black, white and yellow.




As in the previous decks, it will be printed by Make Playing Cards. This is perhaps your last chance to complete your collection as you can even get some of the almost sold out earlier decks. Visit the project website and raise your pledge.

Good luck!