Received Bicycle Spectrum deck. Multicolor magic.
A little bit late, I know, but they are at last in my hands!
Bicycle Spectrum deck, directly received from a good friend, the great Cosmo Solano, magician and creator of this amazing deck specially conceived for magicians (and collectors, of course).
After a successful KickStarter campaign, funded more than seven times the initial goal, magicians and collectors all over the world already have the only TRUE Bicycle rainbow deck! A bicycle deck with regular faces (with customized ace of spades and jokers) and 52 different colored backs. Apart from reveal joke, this deck includes two gaff cards for magic performances.
A Bicycle quality deck with Magic finish.
Find my photos with both versions. Cards are identical but the first limited edition (2500 decks already sold out) had a gold seal while the rest editions have the traditional USPCC black seal.
I hope you enjoy and contact me if you need a deck. Have a look to the promotional video:
[youtube amBNO9b6dV4]