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8 search results for: 3rd dominion


WATCHMAKERS Playing Cards. Forging a deck in the workshop of time

In keeping with their traditional eclectic and original style, 3rd Dominion presents their latest creation, inspired by the legacy of ancient watchmakers, inviting us on a journey through time: WATCHMAKERS. Imagine a world where time is captured in small masterpieces. WATCHMAKERS draws inspiration from watchmaking dynasties, their meticulous work, and closely guarded secrets. This project […]


ABBOTS Playing Cards. Robots take over

3rd dominion is closely linked to futuristic cards with very special cases and original ideas. We are now witnessing their latest release: ABBOTS. Abbots is inspired by the story of a world where robots, coexisting with humans, unlock a secret code that gives them access to powerful technology. As in their previous creations, the entire […]


SHAMANIC JOURNEY playing cards. Spread your wings on a journey into your inner world

Some people consider shamanism as the path to integration with nature and connection with ourselves. To achieve this, one of the techniques used is the shamanic journey, which allows us to connect with our interior in a non-ordinary state of consciousness. Inspired by this idea, SHAMANIC JOURNEY decks arrive. In these cards, Andy Kurovets (3rd dominion) […]