Entries by Max

New Magic Blood red Doomsday deck upcoming

The famous magician, entertainer, author and superstar, Diamond Jim Tyler, is going to release a new variation of the Doomsday deck: The blood red Doomsday deck. Like the previous editions, already sold out, these blood red and white card backs feature ancient imagery based on the Mayan calendar, a compass rose, sugar skulls and more.  […]

Received my “Fairy Tale Art” playing cards

Received some decks of the “Fairy Tale Art” playing cards by Unique3dgames.com. Pretty nice illustrations by Arthur Arthur Rackham on an interesting deck designed by Ruth Miller. A good deck for any playing cards collector. Basic features are: *  56 Poker Playing Cards with fairy tale illustrations *  Unique full color illustration for each Joker […]

KickStarter and Playing Cards. Historical summary

  Kickstarter has become a fantastic funding platform for new decks of cards. Not all but many are from USPC and some are Bicycle decks. There have been many decks successfully funded and other upcoming decks. An up-to-date complete summary:     Funded 2010 Sep. Broken Spell – Card Deck Project by Jisuk Cho   […]