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28 search results for: "Randy Butterfield"


BICYCLE SKETCH and DRAFT playing cards. Take out the pencils and let’s start playing

Two good friends of Max Playing Cards have worked together on a new project: BICYCLE SKETCH AND DRAFT. This campaign is the result of the collaboration between Will Roya ( and Randy Butterfield (Midnight Cards Company). Randy’s style is present in this work with customized but completely recognizable cards with the traditional structure that preserves the playability […]


BICYCLE HONEYBEE Playing Cards. The famous bees arrive again, but this time pedaling

In 2015, a cool collaboration began between a great company dedicated to magic products, Penguin Magic, and a talented designer who has always been a good friend of Max Playing Cards, Randy Butterfield (Midnight Card Company). That collaboration made possible a bestseller called HoneyBee. Honeybee was a simple but bold deck, perfect for magic, play and […]


SLOTS Playing Cards. Try your luck at any of our casinos

Three years ago, two good friends started an adventure together that has grown into a prolific succession of decks. The team formed by Mike Wilson (The Doc/@thedoc318) and Randy Butterfield (Midnight Card Company) has already offered us three successful campaigns and has just launched the fourth: SLOTS. Mike is a passionate of magic and cardistry who works trying to incorporate them into helping autistic persons […]