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5 search results for: Cobey Pile


8-Bit Bicycle Traditional Decks. The Pixelated Standard Bicycle decks. More decks

  Following their success on the 8-bit decks, the fantastic guys from Homerun Games, Michael Scott and Cobey Pile, have launched their 8-bit Bicycle Traditional Decks. Inspired by the Standard rider back decks, these use the same pixelated style of the previous decks, and are going to be produced in the traditional red and blue […]


Bicycle 8-bit deck, with nostalgic flavor of the old video games. FOUR different decks to be released

    Nostalgic lovers of classic 8-bit video games are in luck. The new Bicycle 8-bit deck pays tribute to the aesthetics of legendary arcade games with pixelated images and full of (just a few) colors.       The deck has been already funded on Kickstarter so it will become real in a few months. […]