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12 search results for: "old gravity"


ENTWINED: FALL Playing Cards. The dance of nature when the leaves fall

After achieving a huge success in the first volume dedicated to summer,  now they launch the second one: ENTWINED: FALL. The charming Old Gravity team of Ritu and Bivas are back again with a production characterized by its delicacy and its colorful harmonies. The illustrations, completely hand-drawn with advanced digital techniques, are extremely beautiful and arise […]


ENTWINED: SUMMER Playing Cards. The fusion between man and nature through dance

Following the success of their Alis Luminis campaign, the charming Old Gravity team of Ritu and Bivas are back again with their most ambitious card project yet: ENTWINED: SUMMER. The art of Old Gravity is characterized by its delicacy and its colorful harmonies. The illustrations, completely hand-drawn with advanced digital techniques, are extremely beautiful and […]