Entries by Max

Pelted Primacy Bicycle… a very furry deck

  Spades are Canines, hearts are Felines, clubs are Ursines (bears) and the diamonds are Vulpines (foxes). This is the original idea of this deck, designed by James Augustine with the name Pelted Primacy Bicycle deck. This is an interesting deck made in a colorful comic art and depicting anthropomorphic animals for the court cards […]

Fifth Deception deck. Magic and Illusion

  Eric Stevens loves playing cards. Not only as a magician and collector, but also because he loves looking at decks from a design standpoint. He enjoys wondering what the artists were thinking when they created the cards, and how they decided upon such intricate details. For that reason, he has designed the Fifth Deception […]

The white Bicycle deck of the Black Widow

    Jean Labelle is an artist, a dreamer, an art and magic lover, someone that wanted to see a dream come true with a deck designed from the bottom of his heart, the Labelle “The Mystic deck. Unfortunately he couldn’t fund the project but I am sure we will see some day this deck […]